The School’s Beliefs/Core Values
NJAT believes in forward thinking, and focusing on the future. NJAT constantly evaluates to determine what, if anything the school needs to do differently or better to further its mission and to ensure that all of its students are able to receive a quality secular and Christian education.
- We believe that NJAT is dedicated to honoring the Word of God in all that we do.
- We believe that Respect and Responsibility are the foundation of our school.
- We believe that diversity is our strength
- We believe that Education is lifelong learning and learning for life.
- We believe that each student is unique and capable of being a leader
- We believe that students should be challenged to achieve to their potential
- We believe that students learn best when all stakeholders collaborate to create a positive, equitable, and safe environment.
- We believe that all students have potential to be a leader.
- We believe that education can make a leader
- We seek to form lifelong learners who endeavor to use their God‐given gifts in service to others.
- All students are capable of ongoing educational growth and behavioral improvement