Founder’s Message

Founder’s Message
“More specific reason, more worldwide leadership, more Christian”
These words best describe NJAT School experience. At NJAT, we strive to create a learning community where the great ideas are discussed, read and lived out; where discipline is valued and emphasized; and where service is seen as the highest calling. Our students are at a pivotal stage of their development and growth and we are honored to be able to benefit students at such a fundamental level – and do so in a fun and exciting way!
The study of brain development and personality formation indicates that we are shaping the foundations of all future development through what our students learn at NJAT, even if they will not consciously remember much of it. We cannot afford to take this responsibility lightly.
As we strive to achieve these lofty ideals in the real world, we implement an enriched college preparatory program that emphasizes excellence in a nurturing environment. At the same time, we want the students to leave their NJAT education loving learning.
The pleasure of observing the faces of the children and experiencing firsthand the discovery of their world is really wonderful. There is nothing I find more delightful than watching the ah-ha moments of children as they witness volcanoes erupt or electrical circuits light up a bulb, or when I see someone overcome a challenge in their life!
Families that are entirely dedicated to the welfare of their kids are a must as well! We consider ourselves to be a partner with the parents in the nurturing of their children. NJAT is a place where the entire family can learn and grow, and we support parents in their role as the child’s first and most important teacher.
The opportunity to serve the families and children in our community is a great privilege. Our gratitude goes out to the families who have accepted and who continue to participate enthusiastically in this program!
I welcome prospective students and their families to arrange a time to stop by and explore the profound advantages of NJAT.
Rev. Paul B. Yoo